San Diego to Washington, DC

I have spent a month now planning my trip across country. I used a lot of what I learned to help me.

So here are a few of the lessons. Don't trust mapquest in less populated areas. Try to avoid big cities. Use established bike routes when possible. Pre-plan hotels and camping.  Try to shorten the ride, I would hate to fail because I run out of time.

Using these guidelines, I made some adjustments. I am going to use the southern tier route through las cruces, NM.  This will allow me to skip mapquest, and save a lot of "getting lost" time. It also shows lodging and food services, and bike shops. It also takes me right past our Phoenix campus. From there, I will go straight to Kansas City. Skipping Dallas is a hard choice, but gains me quite a bit of time.  From KC, I will head to Tinley Park. I would like to have gone to our home office, but see the rule about avoiding large cities if possible and shortening the ride. From there, my home town of Warsaw, IN, our Columbus campus and on to Washington DC.  Skipping NY is hard, but skipping NY stop lights is not. Also, I have never been to the city. I want to spend some time there when I go.

That's it. Still hoping for May, but I need to make sure things are looking good for our year at the campus. Much to do.

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